Dave Travel Guide Maurice

Plan your most beautiful excursions in Mauritius

Discover Mauritius with Dave Travel

The most beautiful beaches in Mauritius

Mauritius has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. The most famous are Trou aux Biches, Belle Mare, Le Morne, Flic en Flac and Grand Baie. Stretches of white sand bordered by turquoise water, Mauritius offers breathtaking landscapes. A paradise for beach and sun lovers.

Flic Flac: the most beautiful beaches in the world
Le Morne the most beautiful beaches in the world
the most beautiful beaches in the world
the most beautiful beaches in the world


Private Tours Dave Travel Tour Guide 

The most beautiful excursions in Mauritius with Dave Travel

Click on the images for more information

Overview of our excursions



Excursion Port Louis

8 Hours

Price on request

01 Port Louis

Port Louis

Is the capital of Mauritius and a vibrant place that reflects the cultural diversity and vibrant life of Mauritius. The city has a rich history and offers a mix of modern architecture and colonial heritage. Popular attractions include the Blue Penny Museum or the Central Market where you can buy spices, handicrafts and local products. The Caudan Waterfront is a popular place for shopping, dining and entertainment.

02. Auxilliare de Notre-Dame


Cap Malheureux / Notre-Dame Auxilliary

8 Hours

Price on request

Cap Malheureux

Cap Malheureux is a small town in the north of Mauritius. Here you will find the Notre Dame Auxiliatrice chapel with its characteristic red roof. The church is Catholic and a landmark of Mauritius.

Maurice Jardins botaniques



Botanical Garden

8 Hours

Price on request

Botanical Garden

Botanical Gardens

Is a popular tourist attraction in Mauritius. The garden is known for its diverse collection of native and exotic plants, including the famous giant water lilies, various palm trees and a large selection of tropical flowers. It offers visitors a tranquil and beautiful place to explore and appreciate the island's rich botanical heritage.

Seven-colored earth with waterfall visit


Seven-colored earth with waterfall

8 Hours

Price on request

Seven-colored earth with waterfall visit

The Seven Colored Earth is a popular tourist attraction where visitors can admire the colorful landscape. The Chamarel Earth is an impressive geological formation on the island of Mauritius. The Earth is characterized by its remarkable diversity of natural colors, ranging from various tones of red, brown, purple to blue and green. This unique phenomenon arises from the oxidation of iron and aluminum in different layers of soil. In addition to the Seven Colored Earth, Chamarel also has the waterfall, which is about 100 meters high and is surrounded by lush vegetation.

Deer Island


Île aux Cerfs

Deer Island

8 Hours

Price on request

Deer Island

Deer Island

Île aux Cerfs -

Is a picturesque island of the east coast of Mauritius. The island is known for its stunning beaches, turquoise lagoons and lush vegetation. Visitors can be taken to the island by speedboat or catamaran. Ile aux Cerfs is a tropical paradise and an ideal place to enjoy natural beauty and tranquility. 

Black River - Dolphins



Black River – dolphins

8 Hours

Price on request

Black River - Dolphins

Black River – dolphins swimming

Swimming with dolphins off the coast of Black River is a popular activity for tourists, the region is known for its rich marine life. There are organized tours where visitors have the opportunity to swim with dolphins and observe them in their natural environment, accompanied by experienced guides.

Blue Bay


Blue Bay

8 Hours

Price on request

Blue Bay

Blue Bay

Is a paradise for nature and beach lovers who want to experience the natural beauty of Mauritius. The bay is known for its crystal clear turquoise water and diverse marine life. There are various boat tours and excursions to see the colorful coral reefs and a variety of marine life such as fish, turtles and other marine species. Blue Bay also offers white sandy beaches ideal for relaxing, sunbathing and strolling.

08.Folklore In Mauritius


Folklore in Maurice

8 Hours

Price on request

Folklore In Mauritius

Folklore in Mauritius

It is diverse and reflects the cultural diversity of the island. There is traditional music, dance and stories that combine Indian, African, Chinese and European influences. Folklore plays a significant role in festivals and celebrations on the island.

Tea plantation




8 Hours

Price on request

Tea plantation

Tea plantation

The most famous tea plantation “Bois Cheri” is located in the middle of the green hills in the south of Mauritius. Mauritius has a rich tradition in tea cultivation and there are many opportunities to sample teas from the range.

 Tamil Temple



Tamil Temple

8 Hours

Price on request

 Tamil Temple

Tamil Temple

Mauritius has several Tamil temples, which are important religious and cultural centers for the Tamil community. They are magnificently designed and offer a glimpse into the rich Tamil culture and tradition. Well-known temples include the Sockalimgum Meenatchee Ammen Kovil in Port Louis and the Kailasson Temple in Grand-Baie.

Sugar cane in Mauritius



Sugar cane in Mauritius

8 Hours

Price on request

Sugar cane in Mauritius

Sugar cane in Mauritius

Mauritius is known for its sugar industry. There are numerous sugar factories on the island that produce sugar from the sugar cane grown. The sugar factories play an important role in the country's economy.

12. Le Morne Brabant



Le Morne Brabant

8 Hours

Price on request

12. Le Morne Brabant

Le Morne Brabant

Le Morne Brabant is a mountain and one of the most important landmarks in Mauritius. It offers a fascinating mix of nature and history and is known for both its natural beauty and historical significance. Le Morne Brabant is a UNESCO heritage site and symbolizes the history of slavery in Mauritius.

Shiva Temple



Shiva Temple

8 Hours

Price on request

Shiva Temple

Shiva Temple

In Mauritius there is the Ganga Talao Temple, also known as the Grand Bassin Temple. It is one of the most important Hindu temples on the island. The temple is dedicated to Shiva and houses a statue of Lord Shiva which is worshiped by devotees. It is a popular pilgrimage destination for Hindus in Mauritius. The water of the lake is considered holy and is considered by believers as the holy Ganges river and it is used for religious ceremonies and purification rituals.

14. Tamarin




8 Hours

Price on request

14. Tamarin


s a coastal area on the west coast and is known for its picturesque beaches. It offers breathtaking views of the turquoise sea, sandy bays and the surrounding mountains. Near Tamarin is Tamarin Falls, a beautiful waterfall surrounded by lush vegetation.

Casela Nature Park



Casela Nature Park

8 Hours

Price on request

Casela Nature Park

Casela Natures Park

Is a popular tourist destination in Mauritius. It is a nature reserve and adventure park that offers a variety of activities including safaris, wildlife encounters. Visitors can experience the rich wildlife of Mauritius here.

Eating in Mauritius



Eating in Mauritius

8 Hours

Price on request

Eating in Mauritius

Eating in Mauritius

The popular cuisine of Mauritius combines Indian, African, Chinese and French influences. There are a variety of delicious curries, seafood, grilled fish and tropical fruits such as mango and pineapple.

The most beautiful beaches in Mauritius



The most beautiful beaches in Mauritius

8 Hours

Price on request

The most beautiful beaches in Mauritius

Les plus belles plages de l'île Maurice

L'île Maurice possède certaines des plus belles plages du monde. Les plus célèbres sont Trou aux Biches, Belle Mare, Le Morne, Flic en Flac et Grand Baie. Ces plages attirent par leur eau turquoise, leur sable blanc et leurs paysages à couper le souffle. Un paradis pour les amoureux de la plage et les adorateurs du soleil.

Exquisite Ship Models from Mauritius



Exquisite Ship Models from Mauritius

8 Hours

Price on request

Exquisite Ship Models from Mauritius

Exquisite Ship Models from Mauritius

Dive into a world of masterful craftsmanship and maritime tradition with our exquisite ship models from Mauritius. Our experienced model shipbuilder brings decades of expertise and passion to every detail, creating authentic and precise replicas of the most beautiful ships and boats.



You will receive a booking confirmation by email.

Découvrez l'Île Maurice avec Dave Travel

Our avantages of Dave Travel

Dave Travel

I was born and grew up on the island of Mauritius, “the jewel in the Indian Ocean”. Since my childhood, I have known that people from all over the world love to spend their holidays on the dream island. Tourism has always fascinated me, which is why I decided to complete training as a “tourist guide” at the Mahatma Gandhi Institute. Since then, I have been offering holiday guests various excursion destinations and am very interested in introducing holiday guests to the most beautiful and impressive places on the island. 


I speak French, English and Creole.

Nos avantages Dave Travel

Our avantages: Certifications and experience

Mauritius Institute of Training and Development - Tour Guiding

St John Ambulance Mauritius - First Aid

ITPA - sme Mauritius - Tourism Mauritius

Certifikate German Language

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Exclusive thrilling adventures

Prodigious views

Go hiking and discover breathtaking views

Strong sensations

You are sensational lovers, discover our unforgettable activities


Discover the world of the ocean and these unique experiences prodigieuses

Davel Travel Mauritius

Dave Travel Mauritius

Certified Touristic Guide
25, Morcellement Rouillard Pavillon
Cap Malheureux

Dave Travel Guide Maurice

Your trusted partner to explore Mauritius in complete freedom since 2004

Ouvert :

Téléphone : +230 5785 1683

Mail : dave.mauritius@hotmail.com

Privacy policy / Use of cookies / General conditions of sale T&Cs / Legal notices

Legal Notice

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The reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of the pages, data, and any other element constituting the site, by any process or medium whatsoever, is prohibited and constitutes an infringement without the publisher's authorization.

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Hyperlinks established to other sites from “ https://www.dave-travel-mauritius.com ” shall not, in any case, engage the responsibility of Dave Travel.

About Us

The site is published by Dave Travel https://www.dave-travel-mauritius.com

The company is registered with the Mauritius Register of Commerce and Companies under the number: BRN C11102086

SIRET Identifier:

Tax Identification Number: BRN C11102086

Its headquarters are located at: Camp Gervais Road, Cap Malheureux

Privacy Policy / Use of Cookies / Terms of Use

1. Scope

Dave Travel places the utmost importance and care on protecting privacy and personal data, as well as complying with legal provisions in this matter.

The Mauritian and European Regulations on personal data protection stipulate that personal data must be processed lawfully, fairly, and transparently. Thus, this privacy policy (hereinafter "Policy") aims to provide you with simple and clear information on the processing of personal data concerning you during your browsing and the operations carried out on our website.

2. Data Controller

As part of your activity on the sites:

Dave Travel

we collect and use personal data related to you, individuals (hereinafter "data subject").

For all processing, Dave Travel determines the means and purposes of the processing.

Therefore, we act as the data controller, as defined by personal data regulations, including EU Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.

3. What data do we collect and how?

By using our website, you transmit a certain amount of information about yourself, some of which can identify you ("personal data"). This is the case when you browse our site or fill out online forms.

The nature and quality of the personal data collected about you vary depending on the relationships you establish with Dave Travel, the main ones being:

  • Identification Data: This includes any information that allows us to identify you, such as your name, first name, phone number, and email address. We may also collect your company's name.
  • Connection Data: We collect your IP address for maintenance and statistical purposes.
  • Browsing Information: When browsing our website, you interact with it. Therefore, some information related to your browsing is collected.
  • Data Collected from Third Parties: Data you have agreed to share with us or on publicly accessible social networks and/or data we may collect from other publicly accessible databases.
  • Documents of Various Natures (PDF, Office format, Image): These documents may include titles, content, folder names, or information related to a document, such as comments written in the documents, alert and reminder dates. These documents may include your resume and cover letter.

4. Why do we collect your personal data and how?

  • Recruitment Form:
  • Personal Data Collected: Name, First Name, Phone Number, Email Address, Resume, and Cover Letter
  • Legal Basis: Pre-contractual relationship
  • Retention Period: 2 years
  • Contact Form:
  • Personal Data Collected: Name, First Name, Position, Company, Phone Number, Email Address, Nature of the exchange
  • Legal Basis: Legitimate interest
  • Retention Period: 2 years
  • Commercial Relationship Management:
  • Personal Data Collected: Name, First Name, Company, Phone Number, Email Address, and any information given during exchanges
  • Legal Basis: Pre-contractual relationship
  • Retention Period: 2 years
  • Commercial Prospecting Operations:
  • Personal Data Collected: Name, First Name, Company, Phone Number, Email Address, and any information given during exchanges
  • Legal Basis: Legitimate interest
  • Retention Period: 2 years
  • Newsletter:
  • Personal Data Collected: Email Address
  • Legal Basis: Consent
  • Retention Period: 2 years

5. Do we share your personal data?

For certain processing purposes, we may share your data with our service providers to carry out various operations and tasks on our behalf: Dave Travel. However, such data sharing is only done after obtaining your consent or when necessary to execute our contract with you. Only the information necessary for service delivery is communicated to them. They are also required not to use the data for purposes other than those initially intended. We strive to ensure that these third parties maintain the confidentiality and security of your data.

Your personal data may also be shared with other Dave Travel departments, such as the Sales and Marketing departments. Finally, your data may also be transmitted to legal or regulatory authorities to comply with our legal obligations. In these last two cases, as with service providers, only necessary data are provided. We make every effort to maintain their confidentiality and security. We do not sell your data.

6. Are your data transferred to third countries?

Dave Travel strives to store personal data in Mauritius, France, or at least within the European Economic Area (EEA). However, it is possible that the data we collect when you use our platform or as part of our services may be transferred to other countries, for example, if some of our service providers are located outside the European Union.

In such cases, we ensure that the transfer is carried out:

  • Either to a country providing an adequate level of protection, i.e., a level of protection equivalent to what European regulations require;
  • Or framed by standard contractual clauses;
  • Or governed by internal corporate rules.

7. How long do we retain your data?

We retain your personal data only as long as necessary to achieve the purpose for which we hold them, to meet your needs, or to comply with our legal obligations.

Retention periods vary depending on several factors, such as:

  • The needs of Dave Travel activities
  • Contractual requirements
  • Legal obligations
  • Recommendations from regulatory authorities

The retention periods are detailed in the processing table above.

8. How do we ensure the security of your data?

Dave Travel is committed to protecting the personal data we collect or process against loss, destruction, alteration, unauthorized access, or disclosure.

Therefore, we implement all appropriate technical and organizational measures, depending on the nature of the data and the risks involved in their processing. These measures aim to maintain the security and confidentiality of your personal data. These measures may include practices such as limited access to personal data by authorized individuals, due to their roles.

Additionally, our practices and policies and/or physical and/or logical security measures (secure access, authentication process, backup, software, etc.) will be regularly reviewed and updated if necessary.

9. What are your rights?

Regarding the personal data we collect/process, you can exercise the following rights:

  • Right of Access: You have the right to request access to the personal data we hold about you and request a copy;
  • Right of Rectification: You can request the correction of any inaccurate data concerning you;
  • Right of Deletion: You can request the deletion of your personal data under certain circumstances;
  • Right to Data Portability: Under certain conditions, you can receive all the personal data you provided us in a structured format. You also have the right to request that we transfer them, where technically feasible, to another controller;
  • Right to Object to Processing: Based on legitimate interests;
  • Right to Withdraw Consent at Any Time;
  • Right to Restriction of Processing: You can request restrictions on the processing of your data if:
  • You contest the accuracy of your data, until we verify their accuracy;
  • The processing is unlawful, but you do not wish us to delete your data;
  • We no longer need your personal data for processing purposes, but you need these data to initiate, exercise, or defend legal claims;
  • You object to the processing based on related grounds pending verification of whether our legitimate and compelling reasons for continuing the processing outweigh these interests;

If these personal data are subject to such restrictions, we will only process your data with your consent or to initiate, exercise, or defend legal claims.

To exercise your rights, you can contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO):

By mail at the address:

Management: Contact:

When submitting a rights request, you are asked to specify the scope of the request as much as possible, the type of right exercised, the processing of personal data concerned, and any other useful information to facilitate the examination of your request. Additionally, you may be asked to verify your identity.

10. What cookies are placed on your browser?

Cookies are computer files that are automatically placed on the hard drive of your computer, tablet, or mobile when you browse our website.

They are managed by your internet browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, or Google Chrome).

Are cookies placed when you browse the Dave Travel website?

During your first visit to the Dave Travel website, a banner informs you of the presence of these cookies and invites you to indicate your choice. Cookies requiring your consent under regulations are only placed if you accept them. You can inform yourself and configure your cookies to accept or refuse them at any time by visiting the [Cookie Management] banner at the bottom of each page of the Site or by configuring your browser.

If your browser is configured to refuse all cookies, you will not be able to take advantage of essential functions of our site.

What data is collected through cookies?

Through cookies, all data related to a terminal at a given moment can be collected, including:

  • One or more technical identifiers to identify your internet box;
  • The date, time, and duration of a terminal's connection to a website;
  • The internet address of the page from which the terminal accesses the website;
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  • Possible download errors;
  • The language used by the browser software of the terminal;
  • Characteristics of the content viewed and shared (e.g., type of page visited);

General Terms and Conditions for Tour Guide Services

1. Scope

1.1 These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to all contracts between [Tour Guide's Name] (hereinafter referred to as "Guide") and their clients (hereinafter referred to as "Client") regarding the provision of tour guiding services in Mauritius.

1.2 Deviations or additional terms proposed by the Client will only be valid if expressly agreed upon in writing by the Guide.

2. Subject of the Contract

2.1 The Guide agrees to provide tour guiding services as described in the contract or offer for tourist tours in Mauritius.

2.2 The specific services and the scope of the tours will be detailed in the contract or offer.

3. Rights and Duties of the Guide

3.1 The Guide commits to delivering the agreed-upon guiding services professionally and in accordance with the schedules and descriptions specified in the contract or offer.

3.2 The Guide reserves the right to engage suitable assistants or subcontractors to fulfill their obligations.

3.3 The Guide agrees to keep all confidential information received during the performance of the contract confidential.

3.4 The Guide is responsible for conducting the tours safely and in compliance with applicable legal regulations.

4. Rights and Duties of the Client

4.1 The Client is required to provide all necessary information and requirements for the conduct of the tour in a timely manner.

4.2 The Client must inform the Guide of any health conditions or special needs that may affect the execution of the tour.

4.3 The Client agrees to pay the agreed-upon fee according to the terms set out in the contract.

4.4 The Client must follow the Guide's instructions during the tour to ensure the safety of all participants.

5. Fees and Payment Terms

5.1 The fee for the guiding services will be specified in the contract or offer. Unless otherwise agreed, invoices from the Guide are due for payment within 7 days of receipt without deductions.

5.2 In case of delayed payment, the Guide is entitled to charge interest on arrears at a rate of 8 percentage points above the base rate.

6. Cancellation and Rescheduling

6.1 The Client may cancel a tour up to [Number] days before the scheduled date free of charge. For cancellations made later, a cancellation fee of [Percentage] % of the agreed fee will be charged.

6.2 The Client may reschedule a tour up to [Number] days before the scheduled date. A rescheduling fee of [Amount] may apply if the new date does not fall within the agreed period.

6.3 The Guide reserves the right to cancel the tour in case of unforeseen events or circumstances that make safe conduct impossible. In such cases, an alternative tour or a refund of any payments made will be offered.

7. Liability

7.1 The Guide is liable for damages caused by intent or gross negligence. In cases of slight negligence, the Guide is liable only for breaches of essential contractual obligations, and only for foreseeable damages typical of the contract.

7.2 Liability for indirect or consequential damages, especially loss of profit, is excluded.

8. Data Protection

8.1 The Guide is committed to handling all personal data of the Client in accordance with applicable data protection laws and will only use such data for the purpose of fulfilling the contract.

8.2 Further information on data protection is provided in the Guide's privacy policy.

9. Contract Duration and Termination

9.1 The contract becomes effective upon signature by both parties and remains valid until all contractual obligations are fulfilled.

9.2 Either party may terminate the contract with [Number] weeks' notice at the end of the month in writing. In case of termination, the Guide is entitled to payment for services rendered up to the date of termination.

10. Final Provisions

10.1 Amendments and additions to this contract must be made in writing.

10.2 Should any provision of this contract be or become invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in effect. An invalid provision shall be replaced by a provision that closely approximates the economic purpose of the invalid provision.

10.3 The contract shall be governed by the laws of Mauritius. The court of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this contract shall be the Guide's place of residence.

[Tour Guide's Name]
[Phone Number]
[Email Address]


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See also: Use of cookies and similar technologies on our websites

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shop module - cart

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Video integration

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Google Analytics

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1 hour

You can exercise the following rights at any time using the contact details provided:

  • Information about your data stored by us and how it is processed,
  • Rectification of inaccurate personal data,
  • Deletion of your data stored by us,
  • Restriction of data processing if we are not yet permitted to delete your data due to legal obligations,
  • Objection to the processing of your data by us, and
  • Data portability if you have consented to data processing or if you have entered into a contract with us.

If you have given us your consent, you can revoke it at any time with future effect.

You can file a complaint with your competent supervisory authority at any time. Your competent supervisory authority depends on the state or canton of your residence, workplace, or alleged infringement. A list of supervisory authorities with addresses for Germany (non-public sector) and Switzerland and Austria (European Data Protection Delegates) can be found at the following address:


Collection, Processing, and Use of Personal Data

The legal basis for the collection, processing, and use of personal data is the TKG and, additionally, or insofar as telecommunications services are not concerned, the "Federal Data Protection Act" (BDSG).

a) Insofar as personal data is necessary for establishing and executing the contract and for billing purposes, we collect, process, and use it without further consent. We use your personal data received in the context of contract establishment for the following purposes without further consent:

  • Information about our services and additional useful services that concern you as a customer,
  • Email advertising for our own goods and services,
  • Postal advertising.

b) You can object to the further use of the mentioned data at any time by sending a written message to Worldsoft AG, Churerstrasse 158, 8808 Pfäffikon SZ, Switzerland, or by email to admin@worldsoft.ch. Even in case of an objection, other deliveries may be made in the short term for technical reasons.

c) The name, address, date of birth, phone number, email address, and bank details of the user, as well as access codes, are generally required to establish and process a contractual relationship (inventory data). These data are typically collected in electronic order forms.

d) Please note that domain registration requires the transmission of certain personal data, usually the name and address, to the competent national or international registration authorities and publication in publicly accessible Whois databases. For example, for the registration of a ".de domain," the name and address of the domain owner, administrative and technical contacts, and zone administrator, as well as the phone and fax numbers and email address of the technical contact person and zone administrator, are currently provided by DENIC eG, Frankfurt/Main, and published in the DENIC database on www.denic.de on the Internet.

2. Collection, Processing, and Use of Usage and Traffic Data

Usage data, such as information on the beginning, end, and extent of the use of certain services, or traffic data for email services and SMS services, are collected, processed, and used to the extent necessary to enable the use of these services. Generally, the date and time of the beginning and end of use, the volume in bytes, the user's IP address, and the type of service used are recorded.

When you visit our website or use our services, the device you use to access the site automatically transmits connection data (connection data) to our server. This is particularly the case when you order, log in, or upload or download data.

Log data is also collected by our servers when visitors access your websites. This is especially for the statistical evaluation of website access. Log data includes the IP address of the device you use to access the website or a service, the browser type you use to access, the page you previously visited, your system configuration, and date and time information. We only store IP addresses to the extent necessary to provide our services. Otherwise, IP addresses are deleted or anonymized.

We store your IP address when you visit our website and the IP addresses of visitors to your website for up to 7 days to detect and defend against attacks.

To the extent that usage or traffic data is necessary for billing purposes (billing data), it is retained for up to six months after the invoice is sent and only if and as long as the user objects to the invoice or does not pay the invoice despite a reminder.

Data necessary to comply with existing legal, statutory, or contractual retention periods is blocked.

The costs incurred by sending SMS are recorded by the SMS service operator and transmitted to us for billing purposes.

We do not evaluate the content of your emails and SMS for our own needs and take measures to ensure network and system security and stability.

3. Data Sharing

Billing data may be transmitted to other service providers and third parties to the extent necessary to determine charges and for billing purposes. Under applicable regulations, we are also entitled to provide information to law enforcement agencies and courts for law enforcement purposes.

4. Data Deletion

Inventory data collected in the context of a contractual relationship is generally deleted at the end of the calendar year following the termination of the contractual relationship. If inventory data is necessary to comply with existing legal, statutory, or contractual retention periods, we block the data. Usage or traffic data is generally deleted after the usage process ends.

5. Cookies and Their Use

Our content management system and business software use cookies. Cookies are small text files stored on the computer's hard drive that allow recognition but do not allow personal identification. They serve, among other things, to facilitate navigation on a website or to add products to the shopping cart or wish list in an e-commerce store and to display particularly relevant/useful information on a portal.

Each user has the option to prevent cookies from being stored on their hard drive by selecting "do not accept cookies" in their browser settings. Alternatively, users can configure their browser to ask for consent before setting cookies. Finally, once cookies are set, they can be deleted at any time. If users do not accept cookies, this may lead to functional restrictions in some cases. However, even without active deletion, the cookie is automatically deleted after twelve months.

Children and individuals under 18 years old should not submit personal data to us without the consent of their parents or guardians.

  • Protection of Minors